Children are bearing the brunt of extreme weather in Sindh affected by school closures due to devastating monsoon floods that have swept through the southern part of the country, Unicef stated.
Banning children under 16 from social media sounds like a seductive idea ... Indeed, bans may make our children even more vulnerable online. Children and young people ... Children already say adults don't understand what they do online and .
More beds and newer technology are coming to CovenantChildren’s, along with other projects, in 2024 and 2025 as part of a $6.6 million investment, according to a news release Covenant Health System... Amy Thompson, Covenant Children’s CEO.
Malaysian police reported that over 400 children and teenagers, victims of sexual abuse, were rescued on Wednesday from the facilities of a charity operated by an Islamic commercial organization.
Junk food TV advertisements are to be banned from airing before the 9pm watershed as part of the government’s drive to improve public health ...James Toop, the chief executive of Bite Back, which is part of the chef Jamie Oliver’s organisation, said.
Role playing is a key part of children's play, when they pretend to be someone or something else ... This type of play teaches children both verbal and social skills while they interact with others.
Michael told Luz de Maria on April 25, 2020 (part of message) ... Be truly children of God, your neighbor is a fundamental part of the works and deeds that you will present in your hands before God at the end of your life.
And these are all children,” said Fajardo. “I just don’t know if these angels of death are literally goons of Quiboloy or it is just a figure of speech to threaten the children. These will all be part of our investigation,” she added.
“The 30 charities represented here today support a wide range of important causes, from children in care to those in medical need, and have a positive impact on many different parts of the community.
“Across a large number of GCC countries, we’re seeing nations deliver exceptional lives for their children and youth ... Investing in the children of today – particularly in their education – is therefore part of investing in the future tomorrow.
When Tonye Faloughi-Ekezie decided to write her first book it was for her own children and she printed just two copies ... “African children with special needs have very few entertainment or learning resources which have them represented in characters.”.
... many thousands of women and children ... Peeperkorn said 552,451 children were vaccinated as part of a polio campaign in Gaza, not including the last-day numbers as the effort is set to end Thursday.
Malaysian police rescued 402 children from 18 religious care homes before arresting 171 suspects following disturbing abuse claims ... 'There were a few children, aged five years old, who were burnt with a hot spoon when they made a mistake.